Blended Learning
Vertual Learning
Current Students
Future Doctors
Agada Tantra Evum Vidhi Vaidyaka
Agadatantra department will provide excellent theory, clinical & practical education and exposure with a view to shape efficient teachers, physicians and researchers in the field of Toxicology, Forensic medicine and Medical jurisprudence
Department Of Ayurveda Samhitha&Siddhanthainvolved in imparting the application of concepts in diagnosis and planning treatment. It demonstrates evaluative & judgment skills in making appropriate decisions. The students are given enhanced professional prosperity through exposure to Gurukul tradition.
Dravyaguna subject Deals with principles of Ayurvedic Pharmacognosy and pharmacology with a special focus on identification of drugs, adulterants and substitutes used in Ayurvedic practice. Ayurveda has developed a unique approach to understanding pharmacology of natural substances through meticulous analysis of Rasa(Taste), Guna (physico-chemical properties), Virya( potency) , Vipaka( bio-transformation) and Prabhava( Special effect of drug) of the drug.
Kayachikitsa is an important and first among the Ashthangas (Eight branches) of Ayurveda which deals with the treatment of ailments related to body and mind. It is the only one branch with approach of multisystem illness of both young and old age. Agni has the prime importance in Ayurveda as it is believed to be the root cause of multiple diseases when deranged. Kayachikitsa involves correcting the digestive fire or Agni to restore good health.In modern medicine this branch is known as General Medicine which deals with physical, mental, social illnesses and their treatment. This department has Under Graduate education and hospital with well established outpatient and inpatient facilities to serve all strata of community.
Kaumarabhritya, the pediatric specialty is one of the eight main branches of Ayurveda. The horizon of Kaumarabhritya, dealing with child health care is vast and challenging.
According to Kasyapa Samhita, Kaumarabhritya is the most important branch, as the other divisions play their role only after the child matures into an adult.
The child should be both physically and mentally capable, to be an active participant of the society. Child health and nutrition is always a prime focus of attention for every parent. Also, today’s children are the future citizens of the nation; hence it’s the responsibility of the Kaumarabhritya physicians to provide them with the best care.
Prasooti Tantra andStreeRoga is one of splendid branch of Ayurveda which deals with complete care of women. The unique concept ofPreconceptional care,Antenatal , Intranatal, Postnatal care of Pregnacy and its management along with diseases during pregnancy, complication of labour and post natalabnormalities and its management has been comprised under Prasooti tantra .Streeroga hands outs about Gynecological diseases.
Department of Panchakarma is well equipped complete department with a eco friendly Panchakarma theatre. It is supported with SOP’s for each Panchakarma procedure to ensure optimum care of the patients. Students are given hands on experiences to perform Panchakarma therapies, thus improving their confidence. The students are also given awareness in collection & assessment of data of treatments done, thus imparting knowledge in evidence based Panchakarma practices. Department conducts yearly Vasantha Vamana and Sharad Virechana camps for needy patients as a part of preventive care needed in different seasons. We also conduct guest lectures, quiz competition, CME, seminars for imparting better insight into the subject. Regular health camps and awareness programmes are a normal part of department activities to reach & educate community about Ayurveda & Panchakarma.
Shalyatantra is one among the distinct branch of Ashtanga Ayurveda and is explained as Shreshta or Pradhana anga of Ayurveda. Acharya Sushruta who is better known as the Father of Surgery has given much importance to the subject Shalya tantra in his treatise Sushruta Samhita. Shalya tantra puts emphasis on fundamentals of Surgery, practical training for budding surgeons, detailed description of surgical diseases and it's management with no complications and recurrence.
The speciality Vikruti Vignana & RogaNidana deals with the study of disease and the pathology involved in the manifestations of disease along the lines of principles of Ayurveda. It imparts the theorotical as well as practical awareness in clinical examinations for UG students.
Rasashastra and BhaishajyaKalpana( Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics) is a Branch deals with the Manufacturing of Different dosage forms of Herbal, Mineral and Herbomineral preparation. It also explains about the types, Characteristic features of acceptable variety, Properties, Pharmaceutical processes, Therapeutic indications of Rasa Dravyas.Description of various instruments and explains the process involved in the production of standard quality drugs to serve the humanity.
It is one of the basic subjects in medical studies, which deals with the structure of human body. This is one of the vital subjects useful for better understanding of principles of treatment. Knowledge of applied anatomy will enable the scholar to do a preliminary diagnosis of the disease. Better understanding of the anatomy of the organs and systems will make a better surgeon. Hands on training in preparation of models, embalming techniques, plastination techniques, anatomical paper art, drawings – collectively, do and learn policy is adopted in the department.
The primary aim of Ayurveda is to promote the health of an healthy individual and to prevent the diseases. Ayurveda recognizes, Health is a root cause to achieve four life instincts like pious acts(Dharma),wealth(Artha),desire(Kama) and Liberation(Moksha). To maintain health and to achieve life instincts Ayurveda ascribed rules and regulations under the heading of Swasthavritta ,which is known as preventive and social medicine or Community medicine in Modern medicine. The department is running both Under Graduation and Post Graduation courses.
It is one of the basic subjects in medical studies, which deals with the structure of human body. This is one of the vital subjects useful for better understanding of principles of treatment. Knowledge of applied anatomy will enable the scholar to do a preliminary diagnosis of the disease. Better understanding of the anatomy of the organs and systems will make a better surgeon. Hands on training in preparation of models, embalming techniques, plastination techniques, anatomical paper art, drawings – collectively, do and learn policy is adopted in the department.
Department of Shalakya Tantra deals with the health care of Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Oral & Dentistry and Head. These being the vital sensory organs, there is a dire need to protect and preserve the health of these organs, hence known as Uttamanga Chikitsa Tantra